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Chemical Properties of Matter

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
What are the physical and chemical properties of matter? Need some explanation regarding the chemical properties along with relevant examples? To delve more on these chemistry topics, read the following story.
Matter is defined as something that has mass and occupies volume. Just like an individual is characterized by his/her height, skin color, body buildup, etc., matter is characterized by its physical and chemical properties. In the field of science, chemical properties of matter are defined as the characteristics, by which the matter changes into other forms with respect to its composition.

List of Chemical Properties of Matter

While undergoing change in composition, chemical properties can be observed virtually. The ability of hydrogen gas to explode is an example of such characteristic, which exists even if it is not ignited. Both chemical and physical properties of matter are studied in detail for identification purposes.
The properties of matter are not visible, but can be identified by our senses. In their comparison, some physical properties are also visible. For example, gold can be described as a bright, yellow colored solid metal, which can be flattened into a sheet or drawn into a wire form.
Nevertheless, parameters like the melting point, boiling point, specific heat, heat of vaporization, density, and other physical properties of this element are not visible, but can be determined after conducting laboratory experiments.

Examples of Chemical Properties of Matter

Nearly all metals react with acids to form other compounds. Thus, chemical properties of elements are useful to find out whether a substance will react with air, acid, base, water, other chemicals, etc. In addition, they also are useful to find out about changes in the substance, after being exposed to heat and flames. Refer to the following matter related chemical property examples.


If you take the example of wood, it is flammable, and easily burns to produce ash and smoke as byproducts. But, not all types of matter have the ability to burn like wood. For example, gold and silver melt after exposure to an increased temperature range, but do not produce flames. Likewise, you will find both flammable and non-flammable matter types.


If an electric current is passed through liquid water under controlled conditions, the water molecules break up into their component elements, namely hydrogen and oxygen gases. This changing of substance composition with the help of electricity is called electrolysis.


By this characteristic, matter can react with other elements to form entirely different substances. Say for instance; iron reacts with oxygen (oxidation reaction) when exposed to atmospheric air, and forms a brownish colored rust. If a substance (e.g., gold) does not react with another one, (e.g., oxygen), it means that the former is a chemically inert type of matter.


The ability to get dissolved in a solvent is a chemical property of matter. For a better understanding, the element 'Sodium' (Na) can be selected as an example. It can be dissolved in liquid ammonia (solvent), resulting in the formation of a deep blue colored mixture. The color change indicates a change in the chemistry of that element.
Other chemical properties are electronegativity, the rate of combustion, oxidation states, toxicity, etc. Every substance has its own set of physical and chemical characteristics. By analyzing the chemical properties of elements, their uses and applications of these elements can be easily predicted.