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Corona Virus: Spreading through China

Amna Maqsood
Corona Virus is one of the deadliest viruses spreading through China to various countries. Before we go any further let us fill you in with the information on what exactly this Virus is?
Corona Viruses are the groups of virus that cause multiple diseases in mammals and birds but in human beings, it causes respiratory infections which can lead to death. There are no vaccines or antiviral drugs that are approved for prevention or treatment.

How it Spreads

There are various ways through which it can spread:
  1. Through coughing and sneezing
  2. Through touching animals
  3. By touching the infected hand 
  4. Breathing issues
  5. Pneumonia
  6. Kidney or Liver failure
Now the question is how novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was first reported from Wuhan, China?
Well, on December 31st, 2019, China alerted WHO (World Health Organization) that there is an outbreak of Pneumonia in the country and the virus is unknown but after a few more days several cases had been registered and it was identified that the Virus is "Novel".