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Science Projects For Elementary School

Kundan Pandey
Elementary school science projects pave the pathway for the students to gain practical experience of the concepts and theoretical knowledge gained in the classrooms.
Science related projects in the school can be a lot of fun for students and kids. After all, curiosity is what drives the childhood days, when we feel a constant need to explore everything that comes in our way!
For the parents, it is indeed a pleasure to see their kids participating in such programs, and see them work hard and enjoy their studies. On that note, here are a couple of simple elementary school science projects, which will give you an idea of what these comprise and how they should be performed.

Science Project Ideas

Before you begin to ponder over numerous ideas, you should understand that the basic aim behind them is to inculcate the skills, such as analytical ability and creativity, within your child. Also, they help your presentation ability and the ability to integrate the theoretical and practical dimensions of learning.

Volcanic Eruptions

Did you ever want to see an artificial volcano erupt in your classrooms? Yes, a few chemicals can help you get a mini-volcano to erupt. Perform the experiment as instructed.
  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Detergent Powder
  • Food coloring (mostly of red color)
  • Plastic funnel or a soda bottle

First, prepare a base/platform for the volcano using a cardboard, and then, place the cone-shaped plastic funnel in the center of the cardboard. Use tapes to fix the cone-shaped bottle and mold it with clay so that it appears like the structure of a mountain.
When the structure is ready, prepare a mixture of the 5 to 8 drops of detergent powder, and add a pinch of red food color to it. Mix these with nearly half a liter of water and stir well. This solution must be filled in the plastic bottle up to 2/3rd of the bottle's height, and place it in the center .
Now, add baking soda in the solution (2-3 tbsp) and wait for a few minutes. Lastly, to make the volcano erupt, add vinegar slowly from the sides and behold! The volcano erupts!

Grow Crystals

Growing crystals can be one of the best ideas you can opt for. Basically, for growing a crystal, you need to have a saturated solution. A saturated solution is a solution in which no more solute particles can be added, as it has reached to a saturation stage.
  • Water
  • Any solute (salt, sugar, or alum)
  • Paper towel
  • Rock or bricks

Make a saturated solution of water (solvent) and any solute (salt, sugar, or alum). Make sure the solution is completely saturated. Stir the solution well or heat it gently so that the solute dissolves properly.
Now, pour your saturated solution on a substrate (rock or bricks) and cover the entire set up with a paper towel, to avoid dust settlement and evaporation. Leave the set up undisturbed for a few hours, and observe a beautiful crystal made by you! You can even make crystals of sugar, alum, and seed.

Candle and Light Experiment

  • Candle
  • Match box
  • A glass bottle (to enclose the candle)
  • A broad plate

Fill the plate with water, burn the candle, and place it in the middle of the water filled plate. Now, you will see that the candle burns without any problem. Invert the glass bottle and enclose the burning candle.
What you will observe is that the candle flame dims slowly and soon extinguishes, while the water level starts rising. This is because, oxygen is necessary for combustion, and as we invert the glass bottle, the oxygen supply is cut off substantially.
Hence, the candle gets extinguished. The air inside is warm due to the flame of the candle and the air outside is relatively cold. This creates a pressure difference and so the water level rises up due to the force of the air molecules.
There are a variety of options for the students to choose a title for their school projects related to the science field, like home biology experiments. Besides this, there are other fun and easy experiments for the kids that can help the kids to complete their work.
Whatever topic you choose, make sure that you understand the basics of your topic so that you can perform well. Last but not the least, take the necessary safety precautions and be accompanied by adults and seniors when you do such experiments.