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Green Science Fair Projects

Saptakee Sengupta
If you are eager to carry out a project based on environmental science, then the topics provided on green science fair projects will be beneficial for you. We have explained some topics and experiments that you can choose for you project work. Read on..
What do you understand by green science fair projects? The natural processes that are conducive for the environment are all together considered as green phenomenon, and some of them could be demonstrated under in vitro conditions.
They usually come under the discipline of environmental science and botany, dealing basically with plants, organic matter, microorganisms and their relationship with the environment. There are numerous topics under these subjects and your choice will depend upon two factors, viz. your subject of interest, and the grade in which you are studying.

Green Science Fair Project Ideas

Such type of projects give you the opportunity to present the different types of processes that are hazardous to the environment. Not only these, you can also demonstrate the natural processes that support our ecosystem.
You can come up with an excellent project work by utilizing the ideas wisely and then give a presentation that will be highly appreciated by all.

A Project on Deforestation-Afforestation

This project is best demonstrated with scientific models. You will require plant saplings, soil and sand. You can divide the experimental area in two sections, viz, the deforested zone and the green zone.
The rectangular zones will be created with cardboard sheets and the partition will also be raised with the same material. Spread sand on the deforested zone, along with pebbles.
To make it look more natural you can throw some dead and decayed matter on the soil. All these elements symbolize the consequences of deforestation. You should also describe deforestation and its effects on the food chain.
On the contrary, the afforestation zone will contain soil in which the saplings will be planted. You can add green colors to highlight the liveliness of nature. The benefits of plants to the Earth should be elaborated and you can end the project with a note on spreading awareness among all to plant more and more trees.

Rate of Growth of Plants in Organic Composts

This experiment entails two things. First, you learn how to prepare organic wastes from dead plant matter. Second, you get to know their effects on the rate of growth of plants.
This project requires a few days for completion because you need to collect the raw materials and then make fertilizers by the process of composting.
Dump the waste organic vegetable matter in the composting kiln. You will be provided with the protocol and you should follow the steps accordingly. Spread the microorganisms given to you inside the composting chamber and maintain its temperature.
Prepare two types of soil, viz. the control (without the compost) and the experimental (with compost), and then plant the samples. Observe their growth after 3-4 days. You will notice that the plant growing in the soil containing compost is taller than the experimental.
The project work is quite lengthy and you need to explain it stepwise. Explain the process elaborately supported with diagrams and write a logical conclusion.

Effects of Organic Detergents and Chemical Detergents on Growth of Worms

You need to collect some red worms from a worm supplier. There will be two experimental set ups and one control. Collect two types of detergents, viz, plant-based organic detergents and chemical detergents.
Take three Styrofoam cans and pack them with soil. Label the cans as per your convenience. The first can will be devoid of detergents, while the second can will contain organic detergent, and the third, chemical detergent.
Spray the worms in every can and then close the lid. Keep the soil packed cans under cool temperature conditions and avoid exposure to bright sunlight. Observe the cans after three days. You will notice that all the worms have survived in the controlled set u, while a few worms have died in the experimental set up.
The can containing plant detergent contains more number of worms than that with chemical detergents. This simple experiment proves that the constituents of chemical detergent are more harmful in living beings while plant detergents are ecologically safe. You can write a proper explanation and draw diagrams for making the experiment clear.

Some More Topics

  • Does the presence of detergent in water affect plant growth?
  • What is the effect of a certain chemical in water on algae growth?
  • Demonstrate the effect of greenhouse effect on the environment.
  • A project on conversion of waste biomass to energy.
  • Compare and contrast biofuel vs fossil fuel.
  • The use of a natural method of allelopathic leaf extract treatments to eradicate Arundo donax.
  • Can you sustain a garden using gray water in an environmentally safe manner?
  • What are the factors that affect rate of transpiration in plants?
  • How is biodiversity affected by the level of pollution?
  • Prove that increased leaf starch increases the process of photosynthesis in the green plant?
  • How safe are natural herbicides, pesticides or algicides for the environment?
Projects pertaining to the environment take considerable time for completion. You need patience to carry out these experiments and then draw the right conclusion. You should represent your work perfectly with proper explanation, drawings and models to make it outstanding. So this time Go Green!