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How to Teach Multiplication Tables

Rimlee Bhuyan
Whether you are homeschooling or just helping with homework, you need to know how to effectively guide children with multiplication tables. Here are some conventional and nonconventional ways of doing so.
Teaching children is one of the most rewarding, albeit challenging tasks. You need to be patient and should also know some effective teaching strategies. A solid understanding of the basics will help your child to not only excel in school but in his later years as well.
There are ways and means of teaching multiplication tables so that it's easier to grasp. The best way is by making them understand how it works and how it actually is only repeated addition.

The Best Tactics

Many parents attempt to teach multiplication by making the children memorize them. Although there is no doubt that knowing them by heart makes it easier and faster to calculate, yet asking children to memorize them without explaining how it works is not a good idea.
Many children struggle to memorize and this leads to the fear of multiplication tables and mathematics in general. Before you teach them, you have to specifically explain that multiplication is actually repeated addition.
For example, explain to them that 3 x 2 = 6 is the same as 3+3 = 6. Similarly, 3 x 3 = 9 is the same as adding 3+3+3. Once they understand this basic concept, they will find it easier to learn. Your children may ask you why they need to learn these tables when adding the numerals and coming up with the answers is easier.
You would have to take the effort and explain to them that adding bigger numbers is difficult and how knowing the multiplication tables will allow them to solve mathematical problems quickly.

Creative Techniques to Teach Tables

One popular method used by primary school teachers to teach tables is with the use of graph papers. Purchase graph papers with big squares. Now explain the concept of multiplication in a detailed format. Let's assume you need to explain 6 x 2 = 12. Now take the graph paper and ask your kids to color 6 rows with 2 squares in each row.
Next, ask them to count the total number of squares that they have colored, which is 12. This is the answer to 6 times 2. This is a very good method, as children will enjoy coloring the squares―this will give them a better understanding of the tables, and will be visually appealing as well.
Another creative method is by using beads and a bead box that comes with different compartments. When you ask your children how much 3 x 4 is, they will need to place three beads each in four different compartments. The total number of beads in the bead box is the answer.
These were some methods that you can employ for kids to learn this amazing tool. Learning tables is invaluable and you have to work hard to make sure your kids learn them by heart.