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Industrial Revolution Inventions That Changed the World

Scholasticus K
Inventions and scientific discoveries that occurred during the Industrial revolution can be held responsible for the progress of the world, in which we live today. Read on to know more about these inventions and discoveries.
The industrial revolution, played a major role in modernization of the world when an era of whole-scale industrial liberalization played a significant role in the scientific advancement of the world. This advancement changed mankind within a time span of just 3 centuries.
It all began with the advancement of liberal thoughts of mankind after the Renaissance, which eventually led to the industrial revolution. Timeline of these inventions span over the 18th and 19th centuries. Often, the entire time period is divided into the first and the second industrial revolution.

Inventions of the Industrial Revolution

There a huge list of industrial revolution inventions. Hence, to make matters simpler, a description of three inventions that actually started off the race for riches through industrial processes have been included. In some cases, more than one person can be credited to be the person behind the invention and the promotion of technology. 

Steam Engine

Sir Isaac Newton proved the many laws of motion and energy, and people pondered for a long time over two enslaves: motion and energy. James Watt successfully made the steam engine which operated mine pumps and then the rail roads.
Another notable promoter of the steam engine was Thomas Newcomen.

Iron Founding

As the ever booming industry needed several parts and machines, the forgers and iron men came up with iron fondling machines. Coke replaced charcoal in smelting and potting, while stamping and puddling processes replaced some older conventions.
Henry Cort is credited to be the inventor of the famous puddling furnace.


The textile industry was a very well-paying and important industry of the European economy. Water Frame of Richard Arkwright, James Hargreaves's Spinning Jenny, and Samuel Crompton's Spinning Mule are three important inventions of the textile sectors.
There are some landmark inventions that changed the world which have been divided according to the continents.

Inventions in Europe

If we consider the investors from Europe, then we have James Watt and Thomas Newcomen who worked on the steam engine. Then we have Henry Cort who worked in the field of iron founding. Turning to the field of communications, we have Samuel Thomas von Sömmerring, a German scientist who built one of the first electronic telegraphs in 1809. 
If we travel much further through a few decades, we have Cyrus West Field, who headed the Atlantic Telegraph Company which laid the first telegraph cable across the Atlantic. Turning to electricity, Nikola Tesla is a name that must be mentioned, who contributed in the early 20th century to commercial electricity powered the industry.
Alexander Graham Bell is the father of communication. Another important invention was the diesel engine of Rudolf Diesel. Francois Isaac de Rivaz, a Swiss scientist, designed one of the earliest internal combustion engines (hydrogen-powered) in 1807. The father of modern science awards, i.e., the Nobel Prize, Sir Alfred Nobel invented the Dynamite in 1867.

Inventions in America

It was not just the Europeans who contributed, but there are some substantial number of landmark inventions by American inventors.
Eli Whitney, Jr., a pioneer in textile developments, invented the cotton gin in 1793.
Robert Fulton a pioneer of naval transport, invented the steam boat and the first submarine.
Samuel Morse pioneered the communication sector with Bell when he invented the single wire telegraph.
Elias Howe gave tailors and housewives a great comfort with his effective sewing machine. Out of all other inventions, this one is probably the most complex one and also the smallest, by the virtue of size.The design of sewing machine was further promoted by Isaac Singer.
Scientific legend, Thomas Edison was the inventor of three technologies, bulb, phonograph, and motion picture camera. Wright Brothers who gave man wings will always carry the credit of flight. Henry Ford is a must mention because of his assembly line technique, which drives the speed of industry even today.
These inventions have shaped the world in which we live today. There are many names and inventions that have been a part of the technological progress across the globe, and the world owes a lot to them.