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Middle School Science Fair Project Ideas

Rajib Singha
There can be a plethora of science fair project ideas for middle school to choose for the important day.
It can be a difficult task to make a perfect science project that can reward you. Opt for a project that reconciles with your level of understanding instead of fancy scientific theories and presentations as grasping the scientific explanation is not a cup of tea for a middle school student.

Ideas for Science Fair Project

  • What is the origination of so many languages of mankind?
  • What is the reason for moths and other kinds of insects to get attracted towards light sources?
  • What are the types of molds and which is the most harmful to humans and pets?
  • Why is the sky blue?
  • What are the different types of rocks and how are they formed?
  • How are tides formed?
  • What is the working principle of an electromagnet?
  • Does music affect the memory of the human brain?
  • Is it true that a male clownfish can become a female?
  • How does a tube-light glow?
  • What is the working principle of an electromagnet?
  • Is it true that plants grow well when they are exposed to soothing music?
  • What is the reason behind motion sickness?
  • How does a hydroelectric power plant work?
  • Working of volcanoes.
  • What's the role of bees in maintaining the ecosystem?
  • Is there any rock that is light enough to float on water? If yes, then what it is and how does it do that?
  • What helps animals sense natural disasters?
  • Which is the only planet whose day is longer than its year?
  • Preserving and protecting food without a refrigerator.
  • How do cockroaches survive all kinds of weather and even nuclear radiation?
  • Is it possible to create light by chewing gum?
  • What makes an egg float on salty water but sink in freshwater?
  • The pH level of rainwater has variations from place to place. How is that so?
  • How to use air pressure to make an egg go inside a bottle by itself?
  • Is it possible for different colors to absorb heat in different fashion?
  • Explain the greenhouse effect and how is it related to global warming?
  • Which color is the most visible to the human eye in a foggy weather?
  • How long can a snail survive without its shell?
  • A project explaining the fundamentals on genetics.
  • What makes ice clear and snow white?
  • Why can't even light escape the black hole?
  • Why is Uranus faint blue?
  • Uranus is closer to the Sun than Neptune is, but still is the coldest planet in the Solar System. How?

  • How do different colors affect the blood pressure of a person?
  • Fill a plastic bag with water and drop an egg in it. Close the bag and hold it over a flame. The plastic won't melt but the water will get heated and the egg would start boiling. How is it possible?
These were a few science fair project ideas. Now start finding answers to all these questions and once you get them, you can start off with setting up your project. Best of luck!