We all are so lucky to have born on this lovely planet called Earth. Let's learn and see what happens on this only planet that has living species on it. Challenge yourself with this quiz.
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A staggering 26.4 billion tons of soil is lost each year. This loss-rate is 10 times faster than the soil that is being replenished, and is clearly not sustainable.
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The Arizona Temple is located in Mesa, and is one of the largest attractions in the state. An extravagant Easter Pageant is held at this venue every year.
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In chemical weathering, rocks and minerals react to acids, oxygen, carbon and water. That's why no two rocks ever look exactly the same! This makes caves and other rock formations so unique across the globe.
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Contour plowing is normally used only when slope of the land is between 2-10% and when excessive rainfall is not generally a problem.
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A-horizon is the uppermost soil layer. This is a weathered layer that has an accumulation of humus and microbial biomass mixed with small-grained minerals to form aggregate structures.
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Basalt, granite, pumice and obsidian are examples of igneous rocks. There are over 700 different types of igneous rocks!
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There are more than 20,000 species of trilobites known to have existed. Only roughly 21 species of trilobites have been found with soft body parts preserved.
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About 70% of Australia are outback, while coastal plains are more fertile and house majority of Australia's population. About 35% of Australia's land area is covered by deserts.
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Tasmania has 69 golf courses – more per capita than any other state in Australia. It also has the oldest golf course in the Southern Hemisphere.
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Magnesite is a popular stone used in meditation for its soothing and calming properties. It’s believed that this gem helps its wearer to think with clarity, aiding the process of creativeness and imagination.
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Australia claims the third largest marine jurisdiction of any nation on Earth - 13.86 million km sq, more than double the size of its land mass!
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The sun lies at the heart of the solar system, where it is by far the largest object. It holds 99.8% of the solar system's mass. About one million Earths could fit inside the sun!
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The Andes Mountains are the world’s longest continuous mountain chain. Spanning 7 countries - from Venezuela down to the southernmost tip of Chile and Argentina.
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The inner core is believed to be composed of iron–nickel alloy with some other elements. The temperature at inner core's surface is nearly equal to temperature at the surface of the Sun!
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It's a fact that, 250 millions years ago the Earth's seven continents were all grouped together into a supercontinent called Pangaea. This huge supercontinent was surrounded by one gigantic ocean called Panthalassa.
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