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Science Activities for Elementary Students

Puja Lalwani
The science activities presented are for elementary students, meant to lay the foundation of the subject in those little minds, and help them understand naturally occurring processes better.
The love and hate for science is balanced in the world. However, science is a subject, the basics of which have to be learned in school. The sooner the basics are explained, the easier they are, to comprehend.
Whether you love or hate science, you are definitely going to enjoy conducting these science activities. All of these activities aim to explain certain processes, physical, chemical, and biological, that occur naturally on this planet.
Note: All these activities should be performed under adult supervision.

Brick Salt

This is an earth science activity that explains how salt is naturally made from the water of the oceans and the sea. Ocean water is allowed to evaporate under natural sunlight in a container or a water hole, salt crystals are found at the bottom. Using this same principle, we explain how salt is prepared.

Material Required
  • Salt
  • Microwavable Cup
Fill a cup with warm water and put as much salt as can fit in the cup. Stir the water to mix well till the water looks clear. Then put the cup in the microwave and heat it for five minutes. Allow this water to rest for about two days, and repeat this procedure twice. Eventually, water will evaporate, leaving a huge brick of salt in the cup.

Chameleon Flowers

This activity serves to explain the system of water absorption by plants, and how all the different essential nutrients are absorbed by plants, with the help of water.

Material Required
  • White Carnations, 5
  • Food Coloring (various colors), 20-30 drops
  • Water, in 5 different cups
  • A pair of Scissors
Wet the stems of the carnations. With the help of an adult, cut the stems of the carnations at an angle. Also, make a slight slit through the center of the stem.
Now add the different food colors in the different cups, and place one carnation each in one cup. Let them rest overnight, and the next morning you will notice that the carnations have changed color. You can also try the effect of food coloring on different colored carnations (red, yellow, etc.) and see the variety of results you can achieve.

Create a Fossil

Fossils are mainly remnants of living things, that have existed through thousands of years. These are found in the Earth's crust, and may range from rocks and plants, to bones of extinct animals, etc.
Material Required
  • Plaster of Paris (P.O.P), 2 parts
  • Seashell, 1 Large
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Water, 1 part
Shape the aluminum foil into a bowl. Mix the plaster of Paris with the water, and pour it into the bowl. Now take the seashell, turn it over, and press it into the plaster of Paris. Allow it to rest for about thirty minutes, and then remove the seashell from the foil. Also, remove the plaster of Paris from the bowl. You have created your own fossil rock!

Create Your Own Rainbow

You can create your own rainbow whenever you wish to see one. All you need is a good amount of natural sunlight. The basic principle of this activity is to explain the various colors that are contained in white light (sunlight), and how, when this light passes through water, white light is broken into the different colors of the rainbow.
Material Required
  • Clear Glass to hold Water, 1
  • White Sheet, 1 large
  • Water
Perform this activity close to a window where you can get ample bright sunlight. Fill the glass of water to the brim and place it on the edge of a table, through which the sunlight can pass and hit the floor. Place the sheet of paper on the floor. As you adjust the glass and the sheet of paper, you will notice a rainbow on the plain sheet of paper.
If the foundation is laid at the right time and is strong enough, no student can go ahead and say that science is not interesting. With these thought-provoking activities, you are bound to develop a love for this subject!