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Science Activities for Kids

Mukta Gaikwad
Young minds need to be ignited with unique teaching methods. These can be done through projects, presentations, and exhibitions. Here are a few project ideas that can help your child understand some difficult concepts of science, with absolute ease.
Any form of rudimentary teaching is always detested. So, those science lessons in textbooks are read only with hatred. Thus, coming up with creative ways to open your child's mind to education is crucial.
They introduce kids to the most important subject in life, which helps in building logic and reasoning. With simple apparatus and minimal efforts, you can do these science activities for kids at home which can open the doors to a whole new world for them.

Mold on Bread

This is a commonly seen phenomenon in every household. For this science activity for kids, collect some dirt and dust on a cotton swab. Rub it on a slice of bread, put a few drops of water on the area, and place the slice in a bag. Now place the bag in an empty milk carton.
In about two days time, fungus will grow on the slice. This is a great way of teaching your child growth of fungus in damp and dark areas. Through this activity, your child will learn about whether mold grows on fresh or stale bread.
Questions such as where it grows, how it grows, and what are the precautions to be taken to prevent the growth of mold will be raised, which will open discussions for better understanding of such concepts.

Germination of Seeds

Take a few fenugreek or coriander seeds, a pot full of mud and water. Sow the seeds and water them. It will take about two days for small shoots will spring up. With a little water everyday, the seeds will produce a handful of yield.
This basic science experiment is an excellent way of teaching kids the process of germination. This can also be taken as an opportunity to teach young minds parts of a plant.


Photosynthesis is a process which most children fail to understand, beginning with a hard time memorizing the spelling itself! The project 'germination of seeds', can be further used to teach children the process of photosynthesis.
If you want to make a fresh experiment, sow a new plant. For a few days, place the plant in the sunlight. Once it grows a bit tall, place it in a dark area. It will stop growing and will become lifeless over a period of time. This will show the children that plants require light to grow and produce food, which is known as photosynthesis.
You don't need to make an in depth analysis of the experiment, as it will only confuse the child. Introduction and generating interest amongst young minds should be the motive.

Volcano Eruption

This earth science activities for elementary students is meant to teach children the process of actual volcanoes. It includes, layering of ash and formation of cone mountains. You can use some plaster of paris to make the initial mold of the mountain and paint it brown.
Make sure the mountain is built around a bottle, which becomes an opening for the volcanic eruption. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 1/4 cup water, 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap, and 3 drops of red food coloring.
Finally, pour this mixture in the mouth of the volcano. For the simulated eruption, pour 1/4th cup lemon juice in the mouth of the volcano. You can also add some red food color to make the lava look close to the actual one.
These were a few science activities that can be easily done at home using kitchen items. Learning through such experiments helps in getting a fresh perspective towards academics, which is much-needed.