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Science Field Trip Ideas

Saptakee Sengupta
Science field trip ideas are associated with taking students to a location that would uplift their knowledge about science. We have let you know how to organize the trip and some destinations that you can choose from. Read on...
Students who are keenly interested in science and are zealous to upgrade their scientific knowledge, actively participate in field trips that are usually conducted by their schools. The motive behind such excursions is to educate students regarding a particular discipline, the knowledge of which proves beneficial to them in many aspects.
The field trips expose them to an environment that give them the opportunity to see, observe and understand things that were previously confined only to textbooks. Apart from educational values, the conjoined effort of teachers and the management to make the trip successful should also be appreciated by all.
The idea of making learning fun, is well exemplified here. The trips allow students to share their knowledge while being together. Their knowledge expands and they learn many new things in the excursion. We have explained you some science field ideas over here that would be useful to you.

Organizing the Trip

The responsibility to organize an educational trip is of the management of the school. However, the idea should be preconceived by students and teachers, both. Once the location is decided, the higher authority of the school contacts the concerned person in-charge, of permitting student visits in their premises.
The budget is always a prime concern and every arrangement is made within the reckoned expenditure. After finalizing everything, students are provided a list of things that they are supposed to carry on the science field trip. Relevant books, notebooks, lab coats, goggles and other types of lab equipment prove useful while visiting factories.

Useful Destinations

You must consider certain aspects while deciding the destination for the science trip. As a dedicated teacher, you should study the location, the work conducted by them and other attributes of the location in details.
The location should be decided after taking suggestions from students as well, because there's no point taking them to a place in which they are not interested. We have provided you examples of some places where a science tour can be organized.

Dairy/Chocolate Industry

You have been teaching your students about processing milk, manufacturing cheese and butter since months after months! So how about taking them this time to a dairy factory?
The steps that they have read in their textbooks pertaining to manufacture of milk, cheese and butter would be absolutely clear to them once they view them practically. Similarly, you can also conduct a tour to a chocolate factory. Students should note down the processes for understanding them better.

Ecological Center

Studying global warming, ozone depletion and acid rain in books is not as interesting as observing them taking place in nature. To support this idea, you can plan a trip with your students to an ecological park.
They have various experimental setups and models for demonstrating the global environmental problems. Students will be amused to see the processes and then they understand them in depth. The green house effect and consequences of different sources of pollution on the Earth are some other interesting things to see in an ecological park.

Automobile Industry

High school students are usually taken to such industries because the specialized techniques and mechanisms are well understood by them.
Taking students to an automobile industry entails great deal of enthusiasm and they are highly excited to observe the basic manufacturing steps.
Although, they are not allowed to access the intricate things, yet a science trip to an automobile industry is certainly a unique experience.

Biotechnology Park

With biotechnology influencing the young minds, it would indeed be an excellent idea to visit a biotechnology park.
Pharmaceutical factories, research labs and biotech companies have mushroomed throughout the world and students are utmost interested in vising them.
Plan your trip to any such place and let them acquire as much knowledge as they can. Getting an opportunity to see the latest technologies for production of drugs, vaccines and antibiotics is a lifetime experience.

Other Destinations

  • Mushroom garden
  • Bakery
  • Planetarium
  • Botanical garden
  • Horticulture farm
  • Fish hatchery
  • Agricultural farm
  • Chemical factory
Hope the science field trip ideas explained here have proven useful to you. Take pictures so that you can remember them precisely. Last but not the least, when you have got the opportunity, just make the best of it.