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The Biological Approach to Hygiene

We hope you’ve brought your scientific hat with you, as we’re going to be looking at the importance of biology when it comes to hygiene.
Abbie Faulkner
The official definition of biology is the natural science which studies living organisms. This includes their structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, development and evolutionism.
Hygiene is extremely important, for both health and social reasons. Essentially, it stops the spread of germs and other illnesses. While high standards of personal hygiene is effective, there has been speculation that some hygiene products do more harm than good by spreading fecal bacteria.

New Studies

There is a study focused on hand dryers and researchers have studied how certain hygiene technology could be pushing all of the bacteria around in washrooms. Are hand dryers a yes or no for you? This is probably one of the biggest debates to date!
Evidently, the more bacteria that are deposited on your hands and body, the more likely you are to get a potential pathogen on your hands which then can lead into your mouth and eyes. Delightful, isn’t it?

Going Biological

For hygiene purposes, combining naturally occurring bacteria with powerful, effective enzymes can be efficient, safe and resourceful. There are various biological formulas designed to clean and deodorise which do not harm the environment.
Ultimately, they recycle waste into simple substances. Once applied to a surface, the microbial in the biological treatment is able to consume the stain, turning it into O2 and CO2.

The Modern Day Trend

There have been, and always will be health and safety concerns from the public. But the trend for designed products, implementing safe practices and conducting research in order to determine new solutions is at an all time high.
The Biotechnology Industry Association definition of biotechnology is - “technology based on biology” in which “harnesses cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and products that help improve our lives and the health of the planet”.

The Science Logic

We are all aware of everyday cleaning products that we use – bleach, detergent for example. These are the conventional, typical products that can visibly remove bacteria and germs, but these may not eliminate the issue altogether.
Intelligent biological solutions source enzymes that break the bonding between the beads (molecules). This then separates them into particles of waste that are more accessible for the bacteria to eat, so to speak. This process continues like a cycle.
Each piece of bacteria having absorbed this food essentially grows and becomes large enough to become two identical bacteria, so this replication continues for as long as there is food or soiling available. Only when the soiling (food) is erased effectively, it then leaves a clean, odour free area safe to be used by others.