These Interesting Facts About Country Flags Will Amaze You
Flags represent a nation and symbolize the nations principles and values. Here are some interesting facts of flags.
Aakash Jain
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Nepal's flag is the only flag in the world that is not rectangular in shape. In fact, Schedule 1 of the constitution of Nepal describes the 24 step procedure to draw it. Really unusual, must say!!
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The flag of United Kingdom is also called Union Flag or Union Jack as it has three heraldic crosses of three regions (England, Scotland and Northern Ireland). Guess what will be the name of the flag if all the countries are combined.
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Turkmenistan flag is the most detailed in the world, having five complex carpet designs, representing the carpet industry of the country. I know you are Googling it now.
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The flag of Denmark is the oldest in the world, and still represents the nation. It's not a thing of the past, friends!
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The flag of Mauritania is the youngest flag in the world. It came into existence on August 15, 2017. Let's all wave at it!