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Types of Energy Fields Causing Geopathic Stresso

Buzzle Staff
Geopathic stress indicates the negative electromagnetic radiation from the Earth's surface, caused due to several factors, and is believed to be very harmful for the body. There are certain types of energy fields causing geopathic stress; these occur naturally, though man-made structures have aggravated the causes further.
The Earth has a natural magnetic field around it that maintains a safe frequency level for proper functioning of the body. Any distortion in this frequency leads to geopathic stress. The place where the disturbance is caused becomes a stress zone, and geopathic stress lines that vibrate up to a certain frequency (depending on the cause) are created.

Types of Geopathic Stress

Water Veins

Water veins are underground water courses - the water that flows through underground passages, fractures, rocks, and fissures.
These streams create a magnetic field of their own, with a frequency that fluctuates depending on various factors like water flow, external energy interaction, dissolved substances, etc. This is an interference to the Earth's natural energy field, and causes geopathic stress.
The energy from water veins drains the body's bioenergetic field and impairs the human body immune system. The effect of this energy can be felt in an apartment located up to the 20th floor, irrespective of how deep the source is under the ground.
If one sleeps over an underground water system, one may wake up without any reason in the middle of the night. Weakness and depression may also be observed. It might get troublesome to get out of bed in the morning. Even babies may keep crying all night if their crib is located on the source of geopathic stress.

The Hartmann Grid

The Hartmann grid was described by an eminent German doctor - Dr. Ernst Hartmann.
It is a 3D structure of radiations that form invisible walls, and which is magnetically oriented from North to South. The walls are 9 inches wide, and repeat in intervals of 2m from North to South, and 2.5m from East to West. Where the lines in the grid intersect, stress zones are formed. The space between the lines is a neutral zone.
The Hartmann grid is believed to be the first global grid of its kind. Dr. Hartmann states that, the Earth's magnetic field is composed of alternating lines that are positive and negatively charged. When these lines intersect, the intersection point (or grid crossing) may consist of double positive and negative charges.
These points create a geopathic stress zone. The space between the lines remains neutral. However, if someone/something is located exactly at the grid crossing, the effects are profound. If someone's bed is located on top of a Hartmann intersection point, the person is likely to experience sleeplessness, depression, and disease.
If someone's workplace is located exactly on top of the intersection point, the person may experience financial and professional life troubles. Also, the intensity of these lines is believed to increase by three or four times during the night.

The Curry Grid

The Curry grid was described by Dr. Wittmann and published by Dr. Manfred Curry.
This network consists of natural electrically charged lines that are diagonal to the poles. It runs from South to North and West to East. It is a 3D structure that consists of 3.5m × 3.5m squares.

The Benker Cube

The Benker grid was named after professional dowser Anton Benker. Also called the Benker Cube, this is a 3D cubical structure that consists of rows and columns measuring 10m.
Every cube is alternately positively and negatively charged. When exposure to either cube exceeds a certain limit, the consequences are dangerous. Electromagnetic radiations further stimulate the negative effects and create potentially harmful geopathic stress zones.

Earth Fault lines

Geological faults are natural structures - underground caverns, mines, mineral deposits, etc., and man-made structures - quarries, tunnels, etc.
As the Earth's tectonic plates move and slide, a massive crushing of material occurs, leading to rock faults, and fissures, fractures. This leads to the formation of high particle energy and emission of radon gas, which affect the Earth's natural magnetic energy. Thus, these faults produce the same effect as that of grid crossings.

Man-made Influences

Man-made devices like laptops, cell phones, electric poles, antennas, electric cables, microwave ovens, power lines, etc., cause weak artificial electromagnetic fields that emit toxic radiations.
As the dependency on these devices increases, more and more artificial and dangerous energy fields are formed, leading to an increase in the intensity of geopathic stress zones.