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Types of Natural Disasters You Should Know

Learn about some of the natural disasters that run havoc in people's lives around the world.
Batul Nafisa Baxamusa

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Mother Nature has bestowed us with many natural wonders. These wonders make living on the planet Earth a rich experience.
However, mother nature hath no fury. Nature is difficult to predict and can change the course of life in a moment.
Whether you are a storm chaser or trying to keep yourself prepared for any catastrophe, this web story will help introduce you to some possible natural disasters occurring around the world.
1. Avalanche
An avalanche is rapid ascend of snow down a slope. An avalanche can be caused by heavy snowstorm, heavy snowfall, human activity, warm weather, steep slopes, etc.
2. Blizzard
This meteorological disaster causes severe winter storm. It is characterized by heavy snow and strong winds for 3 hours or more. It is caused by cold winds below freezing point, moisture, and warm rising winds.

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3. Drought
A drought is the worst enemy of a farmer. It is usual the dryness of soil due to lack of rainfall for a prolonged period of time. Other factors include changes in water flow or local landscapes, climatic changes, etc.
4. Earthquake
This geological disaster can run havoc in many lives. The sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust leads to seismic waves.
This leads to collapse of houses, buildings, trees, etc., leading to the loss of life and property.
5. Flood
This is a hydrological disaster wherein water submerges land. The flow of water from a lake, river, sea, etc., gets obstructed leading to increase in water level on land.
Heavy, nonstop rains, sudden snow melts, sudden storms like tsunami and cyclone can lead to floods.

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6. Landslide
Landslides are geological disasters wherein rock, soil, artificial materials, or all of these lead to outward and downward slope movement.
Landslides occur due to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, heavy rains, manmade changes in the landscape, etc., that cause disturbance in the natural stability of the slopes.
7. Tsunami
A tsunami is a large tidal wave that causes displacement of large volume of water towards the land.
8. Cyclone
A cyclone is a tropical storm that forms over an ocean. It is characterized by heavy rainfall, strong winds, and thunderstorms.
Cyclones occurring over the Atlantic and Pacific ocean are called as hurricanes. Those that occur in the Indian and the South Pacific ocean are called cyclones. And those that occur in the Northwest Pacific ocean are referred to as typhoons.
9. Tornado
A violent rotating cloud that is in contact with earth's surface and a Cumulonimbus cloud. It is called as a twister. Tornadoes have wind speed of 180 km/h and can reach up to 480 km/h.

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10. Wildfire
Wildfires are large, uncontrollable fires that occur in forest areas. They can occur naturally when dry sticks or grasses burn due to extreme heat or can occur due to aarson.
Wildfires are very dangerous, as they destroy flora and fauna. If they spread to the human settlement it leads to widespread destruction.
11. Volcano
A rupture in the earth's crust leading to escape of hot lava, toxic gases, volcanic ashes from the deep magma chamber of the planet. This leads to a volcanic eruption.

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A volcano spits hot lava and spews sulfuric gas into the atmosphere. The lava destroys everything in its path leading to massive destruction.
Natural disasters are frightening and difficult to predict. Their destruction can destroy an entire community.
With global warming and climatic change facing us, it is important to nurture our nature. Reduce CO2 emissions, reduce, reuse, and recycle should be the new mantra for the planet.
This will help our planet overcome the impending crisis and reduce the reoccurrence of the natural disasters that have started to occur more frequently.
For our future and our children's future, let's tackle climatic change and be better prepared for natural disasters that may affect us.