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What are Stem Cells and How do They Work?

Finnegan Pierson
As you age, your body slows down. Cell regeneration and growth does not occur as often and quickly as it once did, and as such, it may be harder to heal from wounds, and it may take longer for a muscle pull to resolve. One advancement that is being tested is replacement cell therapy with the use of stem cells. Take a look inside stem cells and their use.

The Birth of A Cell

Stem cells are the unique types of cells in your body. Every other cell and body part are rooted in stem cells. That’s because stem cells are the primary material upon which your body was formed. When a stem cell is in the perfect conditions, it splits and creates more cells called daughters.
These daughter cells either continue regenerating, called self-renewing or they change into specialized cells meant for specific body functions such as liver cells, skin cells, heart cells, etc. Stem cells are unique in that no other part of the body can create new and different cells.

Stem Cells Exists in Few Areas

One significant controversy surrounding stem cell therapy is getting them. The place where these cells are found in highest quantity is in embryos. Scientists have found that embryonic stem cells are most plenty in three to five days old embryo.
This is before the embryo is comprised of 150 cells, each subdividing, but not yet forming specialized cells. Doctors harvesting stem cells in this manner can use them to repair almost any area of the body. Taking stem cells at this stage kills the embryo.
Adult stem cells do exist but are hard to find. They are located inside the marrow that makes up the middle of bones and sometimes in fatty deposits. Because these cells come from adults, they are more limited in what they can be harvested to do.
Amniotic fluid and umbilical cord blood have also been found to contain stem cells. Some parents choose to have doctors save or bank the umbilical cord in the event their child falls ill and needs their own stem cells in future. While you can use one person’s stem cells on another, it is always best to use your own cells.

The Most Popular Use of Stem Cells Today

Scientists are researching upon the use of stem cells in combating medical conditions. One use i s bone marrow transplants. In this, people with leukemia need bone marrow implanted to create healthy marrow. It is the stem cells that doctors are implanting. If the procedure works, the new marrow multiplies and produces healthy blood.

Stem Cells May Replace Dying Cells and Rejuvenate the Body

Aside from helping to treat diseases like cancer, stem cells may be used for other benefits. Remember, as body ages, cells stop dividing and growing. Hair follicles stop producing hair, skin stops getting infused with collagen and organs stop getting boost from new cells.
The aging process is natural, but stem cell therapy may be able to help slow it. Resources like LCR Health on Instagram are chock full of insight and uses for stem cells.
Ability of the body to heal itself is something that science has striven to achieve. In people with chronic conditions, stem cell therapy may save lives. In others, these magic building blocks may be a way to stop aging process. Either way, further research of stem cells is needed so healthcare system can go ahead accordingly.